Actor Tanisha Mukherjee, who was seen in Tamil film 'Unnale Unnale' made her debut in Bollywood and is still struggling to find a strong footing in the industry. The pretty sister of Kajol who is one of the inmates in popular televison show Bigg Boos 7, seems to have fallen in love with Armaan Kohli.
The cupid seems to have hit the ' Bigg Boss' house. After Kushal and Gauhar singing love songs in the house, it is Tanisha and Armaan Kohli who seems to have caught onto the love fever. Tanisha and Armaan who have bonded well off lately have caught the eye of the other inmates and have become the hot topic of discussion.
Armaan and Tanisha's bonding seems to have become the talk of the house. Armaan is not just good friends with Tanisha but he also decided to take a punishment so that Tanisha does not get to sleep on the floor.
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