Nude yoga trainer Vivek Mishra, who entered the controversial 'Bigg Boss' house last week, is the next inmate to be evicted from the show. Having spent about a week in the show, the inmate made headlines when he got into a spat with Armaan Kohli and Kushal Tandon. For the uninitiated, Armaan and Kushal took a jab at him when he tried to speak about their personal lives on the show. Besides warning Armaan of his closeness with Tanisha which irked his so-called fiancé Tanya Singh, Vivek also brought up Candy Brar's name during a spat with Kushal. According to a source, there isn't any specific reason for his elimination. "This is a part of mid-week elimination. Since Vivek was nominated, he got eliminated from the show." If reports are anything to go by, this is a double elimination week and will see eviction of two contestants from 'Bigg Boss 7'. Other contestants who were nominated for this week's elimination include Tanisha Mukherjee, Armaan Kohli, Vivek Mishra, Pratyusha Banerjee and Asif Azim.
Nude yoga trainer Vivek
Mishra, who entered the controversial 'Bigg Boss' house last week, is
the next inmate to be evicted from the show. Having spent about a week
in the show, the inmate made headlines when he got into a spat with
Armaan Kohli and Kushal Tandon. For the uninitiated, Armaan and Kushal
took a jab at him when he tried to speak about their personal lives on
the show. Besides warning Armaan of his closeness with Tanisha which
irked his so-called fiancé Tanya Singh, Vivek also brought up Candy
Brar's name during a spat with Kushal.
According to a source, there isn't any specific reason for his
elimination. "This is a part of mid-week elimination. Since Vivek was
nominated, he got eliminated from the show." If reports are anything to
go by, this is a double elimination week and will see eviction of two
contestants from 'Bigg Boss 7'.
Other contestants who were nominated for this week's elimination include
Tanisha Mukherjee, Armaan Kohli, Vivek Mishra, Pratyusha Banerjee and
Asif Azim.
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Nude yoga trainer Vivek
Mishra, who entered the controversial 'Bigg Boss' house last week, is
the next inmate to be evicted from the show. Having spent about a week
in the show, the inmate made headlines when he got into a spat with
Armaan Kohli and Kushal Tandon. For the uninitiated, Armaan and Kushal
took a jab at him when he tried to speak about their personal lives on
the show. Besides warning Armaan of his closeness with Tanisha which
irked his so-called fiancé Tanya Singh, Vivek also brought up Candy
Brar's name during a spat with Kushal.
According to a source, there isn't any specific reason for his
elimination. "This is a part of mid-week elimination. Since Vivek was
nominated, he got eliminated from the show." If reports are anything to
go by, this is a double elimination week and will see eviction of two
contestants from 'Bigg Boss 7'.
Other contestants who were nominated for this week's elimination include
Tanisha Mukherjee, Armaan Kohli, Vivek Mishra, Pratyusha Banerjee and
Asif Azim.
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